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Confession Of A Girl Boss With Chrissy Antoniotti

We are so excited to share our next “Planner-preneur” with you!  In this ongoing series, we share an inside look at people from our community that have poured all their creativity and inspiration into a “planner-related” entrepreneurial venture. This time we are talking to Chrissy Antoniotti of @confessionsofagirlboss and @chrissylillyslife.

Chrissy is a self-claimed serial entrepreneur who has taken on several business ventures. Now, she is teaching other women how to turn their passions into their business with her latest project. In just five years, she has opened an Etsy shop, run her own online sticker shop, become a blogger and vlogger, hosted a podcast and established a presence on social media (Instagram and YouTube). After opening her first planner business, Chrissy fell in love with the creating process, having an online business and sharing her passions. The amazing people, friends and connections she has met in the community have been what truly inspires her and keeps her wanting to share more.


Here Chrissy shares her journey from planner to “Planner-preneur”:


Can you tell us about your journey and how you found the planner community?

My journey started back in 2015. I found the planner community on YouTube right before my now husband and I moved to Canada on work visas. We didn’t have any friends in Canada so I thought “what the heck, I’ll give it a shot” and bought a Silhouette. I had always been really into graphic design, computers and organization so I knew it would be the perfect fit for me! I opened my shop, POPco Stickers, really just as something to do and a way to express myself creatively. I never imagined it would have turned into what it did!


When did you decide to open a planner shop and what has that experience looked like over time? 

While in Canada, I really was a bit of a loner.  Once I opened my shop, POPco, I instantly found a community of friends from all around the world. The community has honestly been what’s gotten my through so much in my life. From living in Canada, to eloping, to moving to Arizona, to having my son – my customers went through it all with me. I remember especially when my husband was denied entry to the US at the border on our move down here. That was when I truly felt the love that this community can give to people who need it. Everyone rallied together and supported POPco in a way that I never expected. It was really the moment I knew I had built something more than just a sticker shop.

After I had my son, I really needed to prioritize how I was spending my time. The planner community was moving fast (weekly releases, constantly promoting on social media, always keeping up with new designs being released), I knew that I had to make a decision – sacrifice precious time with my family or say goodbye to POPco. I chose my family and decided to close POPco in September 2019. It was a bittersweet moment, honestly. Saying goodbye to a business that I had grown over four years – to face the unknown felt kinda crazy – but I’ve never once regretted my decision. I’ve gotten to spend so much more time with my family and really plan out my next steps as a creative entrepreneur. 


Your latest entrepreneurial venture, Confessions Of A Girl Boss, is also a brand that has evolved, can you explain a little about that? 

Confessions Of A Girlboss started off as a podcast that I cohosted with a friend for almost two years. It’s been a lot of different things over the years, but I guess what people remember the podcast for was the behind the scenes look into what it takes to run a sticker shop from people who were living it every day. I loved that we could help shop owners who were new and lost as to what to do to grow, but also relate to shop owners who had been around for as long as we had too. 

Before I made the decision to close my sticker shop, I also decided to put a pause on the podcast. I knew it wasn’t going to be forever, but I also knew that I was moving at a pace that wasn’t aiding my goals for what I wanted Confessions of a Girlboss to be. I needed to take a step back and figure out exactly what I wanted my life to look like in five years time so I could work towards that at a more realistic pace.


How do you hope to help women “turn their passion into their business”? Why do you think it is important? 

I’ve learned over the years that most women don’t chase their goals out of fear. Fear that they don’t know enough, fear that they don’t have a support system, fear of failure; the list goes on and on. I want to be that resource to women that will not only guide and educate them, but also cheer them on when they kick butt like I know they can. It’s crazy what you can achieve when you have someone cheering you on and giving you that confidence boost and I want everyone to experience that!


How do you manage being a mom (of soon to be two children under two) and a business owner? 

Honestly, I could’t do it without the help of my parents (who live right down the street) and my husband. They’ve all been so supportive of my goals and dreams and are always there to lend a hand when needed. But, when I am “solo-momming” it (as I like to say), time blocking and to do lists are KEY. I make to do lists for awake time and nap times and just get as much done as I can. 

I’ve also learned over the last 18 months that I need to allow myself more grace when it comes to getting things done (especially being pregnant AND wrangling a toddler) and to stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. The “picture perfect, balanced mom ticking off her to do list whilst also keeping the house spotless and managing to keep her hair clean” look that you see on Instagram is total BS. Once I realized that and accepted it, things became a lot easier.


What are some things you are working on currently and what can we expect to see coming from Confessions of A Girl Boss brand? 

Right now I’m working on setting up my work to be as automated as possible. I am finishing up my first digital product that will launch this Summer.  With my baby girl due in July, I know I’m going to be in a baby bubble and I don’t want any balls to drop during that time so I’m working towards maintaining consistency.

In the next year, you will absolutely see a Confessions Of A Girlboss course and coaching opportunities. I cannot WAIT to work 1-1 with aspiring entrepreneurs to help them reach their business goals! What angle the course takes will ultimately be decided by what my audience is yearning for, but I know it’s going to change so many lives!


Be sure to follow Chrissy for more entrepreneurial inspiration:

IG: @confessionsofagirlboss or @chrissylillyslife

YouTube: Confessions Of A Girlboss

Website: Confessions Of A Girlboss 

Shop: POPco Stickers